Falcon / Kestrel / Shikra / Hobby / Goshawk / Osprey / Baza / Merlin / Besra / Sparrowhawk

Merlin male (GRK)

Besra (Conoor)

Besra - Arunachal

Black Baza - Andaman

Black Baza - Andaman

Merlin female (GRK)

Merlin female (GRK)

Laggar Falcon (GRK)

Laggar Falcon (GRK)

Common Kestrel (GRK)

Peregrine Falcon LRK

Amur Falcon Juv LRK

Shikra (Bharatpur)

Shikra (Hyderabad)

Eurasian Hobby (Bharatpur)

Common Kestrel Male LRK

Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Sikkim)

Common Kestrel female (LRK)

Lesser Kestrel male and female (Velavadar)

Crested Goshawk (Coorg)

Osprey (Nalsarovar)

Shikra female - Bandhavgarh

Red-necked Falcon (Nalsarovar)


  1. Hi
    Is this the bird in the first picture a besra or a crested goshawk? The legs looks short and stout and the fluff of white thigh feathers, quite unlike besra. Thanks.

    1. Hi, we observed the bird for more than 15 minutes from various angles. And there was no crest. I guess that's the best distinction between Besra and Crested Goshawk, so we finalised on Besra. One more thing, Goshawk usually has prominent thighs which was missing in this case. But you are right, it is close and quite confusing. But that's how birding is, isn't it?
